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For all training queries please contact the team via:   


Velocity Detection UL offer a dedicated support team who are able to assist with your training requirements.


Utilising our long years of experience we have produced a range of carefully focused modular step based training courses.


These courses are designed to bring confidence to engineers and cover product specific operations as well as the all-important good-practice fundamentals.

It is extremely important that both companies and staff working within the fire industry

are able to prove their competence through training and certification as experience

alone is not deemed sufficient.


Online Training 1-3 day :

We run a very successful in depth online training course, lasting between 1-3 days dependent on your employees competency and knowledge. 


To successfully complete the the online training you will need to purchase our training / demo case. The case is easily transportable to also take your customers to demonstrate the Velocity system


or alternatively you can attend our training office in the UK, if preffered.


Attendees will be required to complete a test after each module and are eligible to receive a Certificate of Competence if they are able to demonstrate a reasonable level of understanding.


For further information please contact us.

VL-DEMO     Velocity Training and
                             Demonstration Case

Demo case - Price List.png
    Velocity Detection by Zeta Alarms                                                                                                                                                              
    72-78 Morfa Road, Swansea. SA1 2EN  United KIngdom                                                                                                           
    Office Telephone:  +44 (0) 1792 455175                                                                                             
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